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Collaboration Between a Greek and an American Company

"An innovative test, the product of a collaboration between a Greek and an American company, accurately detects, in just a few mins, the levels of Covid antibodies in your system.

In just 2 mins, pain free and affordably priced, anyone of us will be able to access the levels of our Covid antibodies via a phone screen.

Mihalis: “We’re at the endemic stage of the pandemic, where there are no strict guidelines, so we all have to make decisions for ourselves. It is therefore very useful to know your antibody levels. This test allows for very easy access to a reliable result by just using 4 drops of blood, taken from your finger.

This test, that uses cutting edge technology, is set to have its international launch in Greece.

Spyros: This is a very important collaboration for us, as it is our first foray into the world of advanced diagnostic systems, that can be implemented out with a laboratory, in a quick and reliable manner."


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